Friday, March 16, 2007

"You'll appreciate that when you get older"

If I had a buck (hey...inflation) for every time my parents said that, I'd be filthy, stinking rich.

There's just no way you'll ever convince a 16 year old of that, though. Not unless he or she is an exceptional 16 year old. But, boy howdy...don't I just wish I'd have learned to appreciate some things when I was that age? I'd have had an extra..oh...I dunno...25 years, enjoy 'em. To appreciate 'em.

A few things I really appreciate now...but didn't when I was a teenager:

1. A really good cup of coffee

2. My dad

3. The movie "Cool Hand Luke" (which is kinda what prompted this particular odd-ball post)
"NObody ever et 50 eggs!"

4. Young, fresh, non-wrinkled skin

5. My thick, wavy hair

6. Raw oysters

7. Health

8. A really good sense of humor

9. History

10. Common sense


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