Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The dirty dozen...

...and some odds and ends. Beeeeecause? Say it with me, now.

All my ends are odd.

I thought this little thingy, found at
  • Michele's
  • , was kinda neat.

    LogoThere are:
    people with my name
    in the U.S.A.

    How many have your name?

    Only 12, huh? I suppose it's not suprising when you consider that statistically, my last name is only the 5893rd most popular last name in the US. A "Smith" or "Jones", it's definitely not.

    % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %

    How 'bout this season of AI? Anybody else as...underwhelmed...as I am with the boys? The girls are a little better, but not by a lot...ain't a Fantasia or Taylor in the bunch.

    $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

    I'm sick, sick, sick of winter. I want it over. Now.

    @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @

    So ole Scooter was found guilty. Is anybody suprised? And all the hoo-haa about Walter Reed hospital...what? Ya think this is anything new? From what I've been told, nearly ALL the veteran's hospitals are snake pits and have been for years. And I'm absolutely not begrudging our brave soldiers good care. They deserve it. But I can't help but see a big...a huge...discrepancy here in the way the current soldiers are being treated and how the Viet Nam vets were treated. They deserved it, too.

    And it just kills me. Ya just know that General Weightman knew all about the deplorable conditions...and no doubt his higher-ups knew about it, too. But he probably followed orders and stuck to the budget, so everything was swept under the rug. Don't rock the boat, baby and pass that buck.

    # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

    Five months under my belt and I still really like my job; I have tomorrow off; my cat's napping quietly and not chewing on my leg; I have a great cup of coffee in front of me; my computer is de-trojaned; Ziggy's due home in a couple of hours and all's right with my world.

    So how's yours?


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