What the hell was I thinking?

Didja ever open your big mouth, only to be horrified by what popped out? Didja ever say something and wonder where in the hell it came from? Have you ever said anything that seemed to be the furthest thing from your mind at that particular moment...but sprang from your lips like some ginormous erection booooinging out of a pair of too-tight Speedos?
(Ok, maybe THAT was a little too descriptive.)
Has anything ever come out of your mouth and just hung there in the air like...like...like a fart in a crowded elevator?
"I think I wanna get married."
Yup, I said that.
What. The. Fuck.
What on earth possessed me to say that? I DO NOT want to get married. I don't feel a need to. And even if I did, I absolutely refuse to be the one to propose to him. Anybody's gonna be gettin down on their knees in this relationship, it ain't gonna be me. Well. Not for that, anyway.
I suppose, though, if ya wanna split hairs, I DID say "think". Which might be a little less...uh...panic-inducing...than me saying I DO wanna get married.
See, Ziggy and I have an understanding. At least, we did have. We've talked about it and neither feels that we need a piece of paper to make us 'legal'. We love and respect each other. We're committed to each other. I think the true fact of the matter is, our relationship is so damn good the way it is, we're both hesitant to disrupt the status quo.
Don't rock the boat, baby.
But right now, I feel like the one that should be committed. And I ain't talkin relationships, here. I feel like I kinda went off my nut there for a minute, no pun intended.
Ok, so it was at a particularly...ah...vulnerable moment. Afterglow can be a dark, scary place, despite the 'glow' part.
So I told him that it was just the hormones talkin and not to worry...it'd pass. He, of course, started singing show tunes. When faced with a sticky situation (again, no pun intended) he hums or sings. Kinda eases the tension, ya know?
I tell ya what, though...the next time we have sex, duct tape is gonna play a big part.
Oh, not for anything....kinky.
It'll be for my mouth. To tape it shut. Just in case.
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