Sunday, June 10, 2007

A pirate looks at sixty


Ok, he's got a few years yet. You'd have never have known it last night, though. He acted like a teenag...uh....thirty year old. Somethin about Buffett's music'll do that for ya.

  • The Boat Drunks
  • were on the Riverfront last night and WHATTA HOOT! If they're ever at a location near you, I highly suggest you go see 'em. Even if you're not a huge Buffett fan like we are, they're great. I've gotta admit, though...the lead singer sounds eerily like ole JB, hisself.

    'Course, a big part of goin to stuff like this (for us, anyway) is the people-watchin. And boooooy howdy...there were some pretty....ah...interesting people to watch.

    We were sitting at a picnic table with another couple...complete strangers...but nice as hell. The guy said, "You're sooooooo bad", when I took this shot. hehe Couldn't help it. The sight of that big ole bald spot amongst all that long, bushy hair was just too good to pass up.

    And this couple....oh, my gawd. What can I say? Just a great coupla Parrottheads from waaaaay back. Loved their hats...her's had a parrot on the top and his was a complete tri-corn with big, white plume...a la Jack Sparrow. They danced their feets off, they did.

    As for me...well, what can I say? The night was balmy and starlit. The Corona was cold (AND served with lime) and I was singin for all I was worth. Unfortunately, I'm a terrible singer. Fortunately, the two or three thousand other voices pretty much drowned mine out.

    But just how cool was that? Two thousand voices singin "Cheeseburger in Paradise".

    Very cool, indeed.


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