Saturday, May 26, 2007

I suffer from 'techno-tardation'... there a cure?

I think I need to see if Jerry Lewis is available for a telethon.

Since we've moved here and gotten high speed internet...which is awesome...mostly...I've had a couple of niggling little problems that I can't figure out.

The main problem, is that I can't access my gmail. Well, I can. But only the 'html' version. Which means that there's no friggin scroll bar, so if you send me anything longer than a short note, I can't get to it. And if you attach photos...fuggaboudid.
There's also no way to delete all the spam I get without checking each little box, individually. There's no "delete all" button. It's like a bare bones version of gmail.

Ziggy suggested disabling the firewall that came with the new service we have. I did that, but it didn't fix it.

Because I can't access my gmail properly, (but I think I hafta keep it...just so it won't screw up my Google access) I want to change my personal email address, using this service (Mediacom). There's no problem there...I did manage to get one set up...but for the life of me, I cannot remember how to do the html code to put a "email me" button on my template. And I can't find the info anywhere.

Ya know, come to think of it, since we've switched services, I've had several problems with Google, in general. The email thing. And when I try to post to the blog, some of the buttons are "invisible"...there there, but I can't see 'em. I just hafta click in the general location where I think the "post" button is. When I scroll over the area, I get a little message at the bottom that says "javascript:void (0)".

Maybe Google and/or Javascript and Mediacom don't play well together?

Anywho, anybody wanna help an old techno-tard out?


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