Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Uh....'scuse me?

There's a "public service" type commercial that's been running on local tv recently that's kind of got my shorts in a wad.

'Course, it's made by the smoking police, so that right there is enough to twist the ole knickers.

Anywho, this dolly is saying how she got a "smoker's cancer" of the tongue and throat, even though she'd "never smoked a day in her life". She was a bartender and claims she got it through second-hand smoke.

Ok. Maybe. Maybe it was from something else in her environment. Maybe it was just karma. Whatever. For the sake of argument...and there's a lotta argument about second-hand smoke...I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

But the final statement she makes is what really got me.

"No one should have to risk their health for a job."

Excuse me, what world?

What about firemen? Police officers? Those are not only high physical risk jobs, but high stress, as well. Stress kills, doesn't it? What about nurses? Doctors? Hell, what about foundry workers? Steel mill workers? Chemical factory workers? Anybody that's ever been on a factory floor knows that there are health risks everywhere.

How about lumberjacks? High-rise window washers? Hell, convenience store clerks. Office workers.

There's some level of health risk in just about every job I can think of. Some are high risk. Some are lower.

So no one should hafta risk their health for a job, huh?

Gimme a fuckin break.


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