Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Scattered, smothered and fried

No, it's not an order of hashbrowns at Waffle House.

It's how my brain is feeling. Too much input. Too many things to think about/decide on/get done.

And this horrific thing that happened in Virginia...I don't have any words. My heart goes out to all the parents and students.

But I'm sorry...I wanna kick all the pro gun control whackjobs that are comin outa the woodwork right in their pointy little heads.

This guy was mentally ill. Even if selling guns in the state of Virginia was illegal, he'd have made a bomb and blown up a coupla buildings. Or bought a coupla containers of anthrax and spread it around like fairy dust. Or laced the food in the cafeteria with cyanide.

And the argument that guns are too easy to buy just doesn't fly with me. He could have looked up "How to Make a Bomb" on the damn internet. He could have ordered cyanide online. And make no mistake about it...even if guns had been outlawed completely in the US, he probably could have ordered one online.

He was a crazy young man on a mission and that mission was to make some kind of sick, twisted "statement". Guns just happened to be the pencil he used to write that statement.

Instead of blaming guns and the NRA, they oughta be lookin at the parents. Where the hell were they while their son was slowly going insane? Where the hell were the college counselors who knew he had a major screw loose?



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