Monday, April 02, 2007

Alive and kickin...

...more or less.

I feel like I've gotten a lot accomplished in the last couple of days. Actually, we're probably ahead of schedule. But with a move, there are always those irritating last-minute things you forgot. I'm hoping that by getting so much done early, those pesky things won't be quite so irritating.

I did get that horror of a spare bedroom closet all cleaned out, too. I mean ALL cleaned out. That was the task I was dreading the most. I swear by all that's holy, from now on, I'll abide by the "if you buy a piece of clothing, an old piece of clothing has to go" rule. I oughta be kicked.

Boy, the place looks like it's been nuked, though. Boxes and bags everywhere. Nearly everything off the walls. All my paintings and posters down and stacked. All the chatchkes packed up. Ya know...those little things that make a home...homey...are gone. Even yanked the curtains down, washed 'em and packed 'em up.

In other news, I "fixed" the goat-chewed hair tonight. I bit the bullet and evened it up. I hated to go even shorter, but it had to be done. There was no use letting it grow out a bit and having to go ahead and get it cut again to even it up. Might as well start from scratch. (sigh) At least summer is coming...a short 'do' won't be exactly unwelcome.

Ah well. Enough about my boring life. Go read some of the great bloggers there on my sidebar...ya know? The ones that have more interesting things to write about than cleaning out their closets or their goat-chewed hair.


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