Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fangs UP!

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I've mentioned that I'm a big fan of horror flicks. Monsters, zombies, slashers, psychological thrillers....bring 'em on. But I'm kinda picky when it comes to my choice of horror/thriller movies. I want great special effects. I want a plot. I want a good story. I want it to make me jump at least once. And I loooove "twists".

Don't gimme no low-budget, plotless drek that makes no sense, whatsoever. "Campy" horror is a whole 'nother genre.

And I usually don't like remakes. No matter what genre, but especially in horror/thriller movies. They very rarely surpass the original and almost always leave me disappointed. I can count on one hand the number of remakes that have been as good or better than the original. "Cape Fear" is a good example.

Ziggy (who's not a big horror fan, but indulges me) and I are both a bit under the weather this weekend. Not sick, but neither of us felt like doing much of
anything. So during my weekly grocery-shopping adventure yesterday, I stopped by
our friendly neighborhood video store and snagged a few DVD's. Not having my fill of horror movies during Halloween week, I grabbed three current horror flicks and...uh....
  • Over the Hedge
  • .

    Ok, so I like animation, too. It's like having a little dessert after the heavy meal, ya know?

    I was doubtful's a remake. But I grabbed
  • The Omen
  • .

    This remake is a definite "Fangs Up". Way up. Though it wasn't a huge part, Mia Farrow (yes, Mia Farrow) as Mrs. Baylock, the nanny, was brilliant. Just seeing the contrast between her obviously-pulled-too-tight face
    and her old woman hands was creepy.

    I can't believe no one's thought of "hand lifting".

    The special effects are waaaaay cool
    (especially when the photog gets decapitated) and the whole tone of the movie
    just gives you a sense of impending doom.

    The other movie that we watched last night was a subtitled, South Korean
    production of
  • Red Shoes
  • ("Bunhongsin"), which were actually a nasty shade Pepto-Bismol pink...never DID figure out the shoes are supposed to be RED.

    I dunno. I'm kinda gettin into Japanese/oriental horror. I loooved "The Grudge" and "The Ring". Japanese horror is usually very interesting, visually. Lots of contrasts and great use of black and white...along liberal splashes...and gouts...and fountains...of red. They also tend to use lots of symbolism...maybe that's why they used pink shoes instead of
    red ones?

    But this one...well...I'm still sorta in the "Fangs Neutral" position about it. There were things I liked about it, but it was kinda hard to watch the movie and read the subtitles at the same time. I think dubbing it would improve the

    The third horror selection?
  • Silent Hill
  • . That's on the agenda for later this afternoon.


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