Friday, June 16, 2006

This time, I MEAN it

I'm boycotting Kroger.

I've bitched and moaned about 'em for the last time. Oh, I managed to snag a great parking spot. I managed to get through the store with no cranks running up on my heels. My ears weren't bleeding from a passel of screaming brats. I even found everything on my list relatively quickly.

But, it was nearly 8 pm on a Friday evening and they had ONE FUCKING CASHIER.

Now, I'm no genius. And I haven't had a job for some time now. But I seem to remember that Fridays are paydays for a lotta people. And as such, a lotta people cash their check and go get groceries on Friday evening...before they blow their money on booze, crack and ho's.

In other words, Friday evenings at a grocery store are generally busy.

I counted 'em...there were ELEVEN people in line, most with half-full to full carts.
I, of course, was number six in the lineup.

To top it off, the one, lone cashier was about twelve years old. Too young to legally ring up my twelve pack of beer and my bottle of Malibu (we're going to a party tomorrow). Sooooo we all had to stand there, thumbs firmly inserted up asses, and wait for someone over the age of 21 to ring up my booze.

Not being blessed with an overabundance of patience, I started to bag the rest of the groceries that he was in the process of ringing up. Just to help him a little and save a little time, ya know?

"Uh. I'm not supposed to let you do that," said the twelve year old. "We or a bagger is supposed to do it."

"We?" I asked. "Do you see anyone else standing here, doing it? You're busy. Who's gonna know? There's evidently NO one else in the store. If you get in trouble, have 'em call me."

The kid apologized for there only being one cashier. I told him that I wasn't bitching at him, I knew it wasn't his fault....but it was just as easy for me to drive to Schnuck's as it was Kroger.

And that's exactly what I'm gonna do from now on.

I mean it.


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