Thursday, June 15, 2006

Biting the hand that feeds you

I caught just a snippit of something on the
  • news
  • earlier today that I thought I heard wrong. I thought 'Surely that can't be right. I evidently didn't hear it all.'

    Oh, but I did.

    From the Washington Post:

    BAGHDAD, June 14 - Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Wednesday proposed a limited amnesty to help end the Sunni Arab insurgency as part of a national reconciliation plan that Maliki said would be released within days. The plan is likely to include pardons for those who had attacked only U.S. troops, a top adviser said.

    I'll be the first to admit that I try to avoid talking about politics at all costs. Mainly because I just feel like I'm dumb when it comes to that subject. I also think that it's one of those topics where there's no "right" answer. Everyone has an opinion and everyone thinks their opinion is the only "right" one.

    However, I'm comin out of the closet with this one. I might sound naive and simplistic. I might come across as a stupid hick from the sticks who doesn't know what she's talkin about. But I'm gonna say it anyway.

    Wasn't it Bin Laden the one that we really should have gone after? And whatever country that's harboring him?

    It's like Bush felt like he had to do something in retaliation for 9/11, so he created this war with Iraq. Kinda like kicking the dog when you're really mad at your wife.

    Hussein may have helped finance the terrorists. But I'd be willing to bet that he wasn't the only one that did. And there's no doubt that he was a murdering despot. But let's face it...Iraq has been governed by murdering despots for a loooong time. They evidently like it that way or they would have changed it before now. Hell, they can't organize a decent army NOW, even with our help.

    Oh, yea...I forgot...we're fighting for Iraqi freedom, aren't we? Uh huh. And as thanks, the Iraqi's are gonna grant amnesty to the insurgents that MURDERED OUR SOLDIERS. No amnesty for those that killed other Iraqi's, though...that'd just be wrong.

    I have no doubt whatsoever, that the minute the last of our troops is outa that hellhole, it's gonna go right back to the way it was. Hussein may be gone, but you can bet your ass that there's another one just like him somewhere, waiting for his chance.

    2500 brave men and women dead. Billions and billions of OUR dollars wasted. For WHAT? For Bush's chance to shine. For political gain. Pure and simple. Now he's stuck. How many more of our soldiers have to die before Bush weasels his way out while he tries to 'save face'?

    We're fighting for nothing. Nothing will be gained. Nothing will have been made better. The only thing we'll have to show for it are grieving families and some nice photos of Iraqi's with purple fingers. But hey...we helped create a democracy, didn't we? Yea. For about ten minutes.

    This war is WRONG. It's BEEN wrong all along.


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