That was the snowflake that broke the camel's back
A snowjob
I know. We're luckier than a lotta areas. But we're still twice our yearly average of the white shit. I'm gettin preeettttty sick of it. And it's certainly not making my disposition all rainbows and kittens, I can tell ya that right now.
Fact of the matter is, I'm gettin damn scrappy. I wanna kick somebody's ass.
That dumb bitch that had her big SUV's nose up my little red baby's ass on my way to work yesterday morning would do just fine.
Stupid cow. Yammering on her cell phone, of course. I was in the left lane, runnin 10 damn miles over the speed limit to try to get away from her. The right lane was full and I could not get over. I came thiissssss close to just hittin the ole break pedal...just a tap...just to get her attention, ya know?
But I figured I'd wind up pickin up my teeth offa Route 29...watching as she blasted past me...still blowin her cell phone.
I'm tellin ya...that 29 at rush hour is like Talladega...except with stupid bints on cell phones.