Saturday, January 06, 2007

How's this for an exciting Saturday night?

We're watching "Brothels of the Old West" on the History Channel. "Horizontal refreshment", as they called it. heh Izzat great or what? Oooo...boy. "Syphilitic chancres". "Peter pans" (a washbasin that they figure it out) A steam powered vibrator called the "Manipulator". Yeeee HAW!

Gawd. I loooove the History Channel. hehehe

No, we didn't get poor little Lizzie interred today. She's still...uh...chillin...amongst the brussel sprouts and chicken wings. To be honest, I had a lot of Christmas shopping to do today. I know. Christmas is over. But not really. Next weekend is the first chance the kids will have to get here, so we're doin Christmas all over again. I can't wait! Hell, I haven't seen either of "The Princesses" for months.

Anywho, while I was out power shoppin, I looked high and low for a damn garden trowel. That's all we'd need, dig the hole. I mean, Lizzie is...uh...was a little, tiny thing. Not much more than a pound. So it's not gonna take much to get a deep enough plot.

But do you think I could find a damn trowel anywhere? Not in any of the stores I was in and certainly not in the middle of January. I guess we'll hafta make a trip to Ace tomorrow...surely they'll have one.

Grau made a comment on my previous post about someone he knew putting her dead pet tarantulas in the freezer. Of course, that sparked the following conversation.

Me: I'm sorry, but I don't know how anyone could consider a tarantula a "pet". That's like those icky millipedes. A pet is something you A pet has a personality...and usually a face. I ain't pettin no millipede.

Ziggy: Yea. Or like...iguanas.

Me: Yea, but I've known an iguana that was sort of a nice feller. He liked having his chin scratched. Or he acted like he liked it anyway.

Ziggy: Or Fish aren't pets. They're.....

Me: Decoration?

Ziggy: Yea.

See what our conversations are like?


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