Thursday, May 04, 2006

He almost always makes me cry...

...but it's usually crying out, "What the FUCK?!"

I have a love/hate relationship with one of our local rag's columnists, Phil Luciano.

There are times when I scream out in frustration at my computer screen in response to something he's written. Sometimes, he just gets things so....wrong. Once in a while, he hits it right on the head and when he's on....well...he's on, know what I mean?

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who gets their knickers in a twist after reading something he's written. Occasionally, he'll devote his entire column to the hate-emails he gets. Calls it the "Random Axe of Snideness". Gotta give him props for that one, but I often wonder if he thought it up himself.

Aaaaanywho, reading his
  • column
  • this morning...well...I sat here with tears streaming down my face, sniveling into my coffee.

    "After more than six decades of marriage, Kenneth Gabbert knew his wife as well as he knew himself.
    And with his health failing, he wanted to help his children prepare for the inevitable. So, a year ago, he told them to start making funeral plans - and not just for him.

    "You're going to have a double funeral," he said calmly."

  • Scott
  • , I'd read the obit the other day and wondered about it. As a nurse, I've heard of things like this happening before and it never fails to instill a sense of...awe, I guess is the word. I mean...the love...essentially becoming part of another person like that is awe-inspiring. It just seems so right.

    Anyway, go read the column. The PJStar's archives only stick around for a week, I think.


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