Sunday, April 23, 2006

Oh...oh...that reminds me

I caught the news the other day that FEMA has decided that they handed out some disaster benefits to people who weren't qualified...weren't victims of any of the hurricaines (DUH? Ya think?)...and now they want that money back.

Now, I'm certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I'm thinkin that they're pretty much screwed.

But that reminded me of what I saw when we stayed in Venice Sunday night on the way down.

Dozens and dozens and DOZENS of perfectly good, perfectly EMPTY FEMA trailers parked in a big field just on the south side of Venice. They've obviously been there some time, too. There IS a large FEMA...complex?...trailer park?...just off of 75 right around Venice there somewhere that's obviously very much in use. But these trailers weren't anywhere near that complex.

Why aren't these trailers being used? You can't tell me that there aren't STILL people that DO need them. Why aren't some of these victims just screaming in frustration? Or are they...and we just don't hear much about it?

It's just another glaring example of FEMA's complete ineptitude in the handling of last year's hurricaine season...of their complete and utter WASTE of millions of dollars worth of housing for people who NEED it. And they're whining about wanting
paid back for stupidly handing out money to people who didn't deserve it.

I don't suppose they even see the irony.


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