Monday, April 24, 2006

The last supper

For our last day here in paradise, we decided to fix a little supper on the beach. Everything was...marvelous. Or maybe it was just because we ate it on the beach.

We fixed 'marinated in Mojo' grilled porkchops. Oooooh, my gawd. That was accompanied by a big salad with green onions, tomatoes and the sweetest green pepper your lips ever had the pleasure of caressing. In fact, the peppers from Winn Dixie are so good, I bought a half dozen to take home. They're HUGE, too. As a little side dish, we had the ripest, juciest mango ya ever sank yer teeth into.

I ate the last mango in Paris....I took the last plane outa Saigon..

Sorry...had a Buffet thing goin on there for a minute.

Dessert you might ask? You betcher ass. Key Lime cheesecake. DAMN! Like heaven in your mouth. Just enough lime to make it interesting. Creamy. Perversely decadent. It was a perfect ending to a perfect meal. A perfect meal which we shared with.....

...Charlie. The minute I opened the grill to check the chops, he was right there, trying to see what I was cookin. I told him that it wasn't fish, but he didn't seem to care. Charlie likes porkchops, too.

In fact, he got so comfortable, he joined us and ate little tidbits of chops right off the table. He didn't care for the mango, though.

After supper, Mother Nature provided the floorshow.

Pretty much a perfect ending to a perfect day of a perfect vacation. (sigh)


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