I want it how I want it

Ok, so this'll be my third marriage. The first one? So long ago and so short that I often forget it even happened. The only good thing that came from that particular fiasco was my daughter, so because of that, I don't regret it one bit.
The marriage ceremony itself, was the most depressing thing I've ever been through, though. No "wedding". No reception. No guests or presents...no cake, even.
Second time around was a big improvement. That one lasted for darned near a quarter of a century. As far as the ceremony and reception goes, it was nice...but I didn't get to plan much of anything. My ex mother-in-law (bless her heart) did it all. Like I said, it was nice...but it wasn't mine, if ya know what I mean.
This time is gonna be different. This time, I want it how I want it. The really nice thing is that Ziggy wants it how I want it, too. heh No, really. We've planned this together. It just so happens that we think eerily alike when it comes to...well...most things. This is gonna be our day and no one elses. And we're doin it our way.
I'm positive that what we're plannin wouldn't suit everyone. So. What. It suits us to a "T"...and that's all that matters.
Life's just too short for "fussy". And big, overblown, outrageously expensive weddings and receptions have always seemed sooooo silly to me. I mean, I suppose if you've got money to throw away like that, it's fine. More power to ya. But to go into debt just to put on a big show to impress people? All that stress and strain? No thanks.
This weddin's gonna be...different. Fr'instance, I spent a whoppin $16.99 on my dress. It's a white, gauzy, hippie-kinda dress, it looks good on me and I love it. I've planned to go barefoot, but as a contingency (in case the grass is really crunchy...we need rain...BAD) I bought a pair of white flip-flops. For $2.88. I'll pull a blossom off my hibiscus plant for my hair. Ziggy's attire? An (A?) Hawaiian shirt, a pair of khaki shorts and sandals.
The ceremony is gonna be right here in our beautiful yard, right on the bank of the river. The wedding officiant will be a riverboat captain and we're gonna have him include a quote from Oscar Wilde because it means somethin to us. Not quite your "traditional" wedding ceremony, but that's how we want it.
The "theme" is "Cheeseburgers in Paradise", so that'll be the menu along with chips, baked beans and a humongous veggie/dip tray. Jimmy Buffet and/or steel drum music will be on the ole CD player all day. I'm also currently scouting the local bakeries for a cheeseburger cake...if I can't find someone to make it, I'll do it myself.
Ok, I'll try to do it myself.
I designed the invitations on the word processor and printed 'em out on our printer. Personally, I think they're cute as hell. (Want one? Zip me an email with your snail mail address.)
Decorations consist of tropical-colored, plastic tablecloths for the tables (a buck apiece), tiki torches, Hawaiian paper lanterns, a few rolls of crepe paper in tropical colors, our own blooming plants and plastic sand buckets filled half-way with sand...I'll add a citronella candle to each one...for centerpieces.
I also found a couple of inflatable palm-tree coolers...a 6' tall one and a smaller one...to keep all our beer and pop cold. I'm also thinkin about gettin a big, inflatable kiddie pool and fillin it up...for us kids to play in. heh More than likely, it'll be hot as hell.
So far, I've spent maybe a hundred and fifty bucks.
We want it relaxed and casual and, most importantly, fun. For everyone.
And, by gawd, that's exactly how it'll be.
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