Monday, May 08, 2006

"We did so much fun things"

And we wonder why Johnny can't read.

While doing laundry, dusting and other 'housewifely' type things this morning, the tv is on and tuned to "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire", where it happens to be 'college week'.

The first little binkie to try her luck was a little gal from Joliet, Illinois, who happens to be a SENIOR at Eastern Illinois University. Education major, no less.

"I've wanted to be a teacher since I was in second grade...we played games and did so much fun things."

Uh huh. She wants to be a teacher.

She obviously can't construct a sentence, nor did she know what a limerick was.

The kicker was when she was asked this question:

"Which of these internet abbreviations contain more syllables than the actual term, itself?"

The choices were: WWW, HTML, URL and HTTP.

After pondering and pondering, she chose HTML. Since she obviously doesn't know what an abbreviation is, I'm pretty sure her little blonde head would have been spinning around had they substituted 'acronym' for 'abbreviation'.

But boooy, howdy....she was right on top of a quote from the movie 'Napeoleon Dynamite'....'cause, like....she'd seen it "lots" of times.

I'm tellin ya...nothing illustrates the sad state of education more clearly than watching a few of these college kids fail to know the answers to things that I learned by....oh, I dunno....third or fourth grade.

I see very little hope for the future.

Now, you'll have to excuse me. I have to attend to Ziggy, who was an education major in college, though after teaching only a short time, found that getting your hands dirty pays far better.

He's rolling around on the floor, screaming "Kill me! Kill me NOW!"

I think he's having a stroke.


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