Saturday, April 01, 2006

A conundrum

Hmmmm...what to do, what to do?

(Sorry. It's another diet post...sorta. But with a little bit of a personal dilemma thrown in.)

For a long time now, I've been kickin around the idea of joining some kinda gym or exercise class. Yea, I know walkin is cheap and easy...kinda like me...but I find it boring and just not much fun...unlike me.

And I know me. Left to my own devices, with no one pushin structure...well...let's be blunt...I'm a lazy bitch. So I'm thinkin that if I had a plan and further, if I had to pay for that plan, I'd be more inclined to get off my ass and move a couple-three times a week.

Now, Peoria has a pretty wide variety of gym-type places to choose from. That's great. I like having choices.

However, like I said, I know me. I know that there's nooooo way in hell that I'd be comfortable in a gym with a dozen 115 pound binkies in their expensive exercise gear whining about how fat they're gettin. I also know that there's no way in hell I could ever begin to keep up with the same kinda exercise routine that they do. I'm also not fond of the idea of some muscle-bound asshole of a drill instructor barkin in my ear, though on second thought, that might not be all bad. He could probably scare the fat off.

So, I've been thinkin about
  • Curves
  • . Junebugg's comment on my
  • Bound and determined
  • post reminded me again.

    I've seen the ads on tv and elsewhere. They use real, FAT women in their advertising. I like that. I also like the idea that it'd be all women...and most of us would be in the same boat, so to speak, when it came to weight and ability to exercise. I liked that. I think it's also pretty reasonably priced and it's only a 30-minute workout, three times a week. I really like that. So I did a little research.

    Some of the stuff I found...well, I wasn't especially thrilled with. And some of the stuff I found was downright disturbing. To me, anyway. (That DAMN Google!)

    No, I don't want some kinda 'binkie' gym. But, neither do I wanna use the gym as some kinda social gathering place. I'm not a 'joiner' of anything, just for social value. It's not that I couldn't or wouldn't be friendly. I just don't necessarily wanna make friends. I'd be there to get rid of some flab...not win friends and influence people. I don't wanna form 'relationships'. I don't necessarily want "...encouragement from other women help you reach your fitness goals."

    I wanna go there, do the routine and leave. Period. No 'rah-rah' bullshit. No "I am woman, hear me roar" crap from people I don't know and have no intention of being 'best buds' with.

    That part doesn't bother me so much, though. I could still join, go, do my thing and just let them all think I'm a standoffish bitch. Despite everything, I'd decided that Curves was the best, most...bearable...kinda place for me. In fact, I'd made up my mind to go check out the nearest franchise on Monday. Peoria has two to choose from.

    But what I found out about Gary Heavin, the founder and CEO of Curves bothers me.
  • THIS
  • bothers me. A lot.

    In 2003, Heavin and his wife gave away $10 million -- 10 percent of their company's gross revenues -- to charities. At least half of that money went to three Texas organizations to fund "pregnancy crisis centers" supported by Operation Save America -- the same organization that blamed the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on God's retribution for abortions and whose purpose, as described on its Web site, is to "unashamedly take up the cause of pre-born children in the name of Jesus Christ."

    Now, what this guy's particular views on abortion are quite different from mine. Quite. But that's ok. What he personally supports doesn't matter to me. But it DOES matter to me if he's using MY money to support crap like this. Yea, the 'correction' says he's using his own personal fortune to back these whackjobs. Uh...and just WHERE do ya suppose his 'personal fortune' came from in the FIRST damn place?

    The idea that I'd be contributing to an anti-abortion cause, even in such a roundabout way, is abhorrent to me. But it's simply horrifying to realize that this...despicable...organization has the audacity to accuse 9/11 of being "God's retribution for abortions.."

    Thus, the conundrum.

    Should I be completely self-centered and ignore what I know, go ahead and join and (hopefully) make this dieting thing go a little faster? I mean, I'm sure that at sometime, SOMEwhere, I've inadvertently lent my support to some OTHER issue that I don't agree with. I just didn't know about it at the time. (DAMN Google...again!)

    Or, do I stick to my principles and figure out something else? I mean...'principles'...well, I have very few in the first place. Shouldn't I try to preserve the paltry amount I DO have?

    I dunno. I might hafta rethink this walkin thing.


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