Saturday, March 25, 2006

Repressed, depressed, frustrated and mean

Kinda sounds like a country song title, doesn't it?

No, it's not another 'menopause' rant.

"Only liberals are such intolerant assholes that they would dig up a person's college newspaper articles in order to get him fired."

"Is it just me, or has other people noticed how thin skinned conservatives have become? They can dish out their crap by the wheelbarrow but when it comes to taking it, their skin is as thin and delicate as toilet paper."

I've swiped these two quotes this morning from blogs that I read regularly. Well...
  • one
  • I read regularly, anyway. The other is by someone whom I've de-linked because, while he's undoubtedly intelligent, I think he's a lonesome, geekly, self-absorbed, pompously arrogant, misogynist-wannabe with a severe case of adult ADD. My theory is that he can't get laid because of his self-absorbed arrogance, but he thinks that calling himself a misogynist makes it sound like he's doing it on purpose...makes it somehow more...acceptable. Kinda like saying, "That's ok. I didn't really wanna do it anyway."

    ( made sense when I typed it.)

    But I digress.

    Both of these quotes, Scott's especially, made me think. I know. And you KNOW it's a scary thing when I start thinkin.

    Have ya ever noticed that, despite all this 'political correctness' bullshit, that people are meaner and nastier than ever before?

    Of course, it should go without saying that politicians are the absolute worst. Conservatives and Liberals calling each other names. Flinging accusations of malfeasance, graft, corruption, moral depravity, intolerance. Kinda like the pot callin the kettle black, if you ask me. I think most politicians are in it only for what politics can do for them...not what they can do for politics. (My apologies to JFK) Actually work together to accomplish something? Good gawd, NO! One might get a little more 'pork' than the other one.

    GET porked is more like it.

    Religion...oh, don't EVEN get me started on religon. They URGE tolerance. They PLEAD for tolerance...but only if you believe the 'right' way. Tolerance only if you're in the "in" crowd. Screw the rest of us heathens...we're all gonna burn in hell.

    But it's not just politicians. It's not just religious leaders. On paper, we ALL seem to be soooo freakin concerned about offending someone else. But it's only on paper. It's only lip-service. In reality, most of us are assholes. Now, we're just repressed assholes. And a repressed asshole is a dangerous asshole. We're so fearful that the PC police are gonna come and lock us up for being intolerant, that we channel our frustration onto or into something else.

    You've got your road-ragers. You've got your middle-aged women in minivans who'll call you everything but a white woman if you 'steal' their parking place at the grocery store. You've got people who'll step on your feet, let the door slam in your face and ram into the backs of your ankles with their shopping carts and NEVER apologize.

    And when you're pushed to your limit of tolerance with these assholes, and you're SOOO rude as to call them a nasty're INTOLERANT.

    It's ok to be rude and mean, but gawd forbid you get accused of being politically incorrect. Does anyone else see the irony in that?

    We're ruder and cruder and meaner and nastier and more frustrated and LESS tolerant now than at any other time in history.

    Can you say "backlash"?

    I knew you could.


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