Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Do I dare?

Y'all know what happens when I start messin around with 'technical' blog stuff. I wind up deleting everything.

Well, I'm messin again.

I've long been kickin around the idea of moving the ole blog...or maybe starting another one. Though I've heard a lotta complaints about Blogger, personally I haven't experienced many. Well...there's a problem with uploading photos today, but that's not a biggie. Usually it works like a charm. But it worries me. I've read about people losing their ENTIRE blogs. I already did that once, though it was by my own hand. I have only myself to blame for that. But, it'd REALLY piss me off if Blogger did it.

I've had a WordPress site set up for some time now, but haven't posted anything...haven't taken the time to mess with it...play with it...see what it can do.

I'm takin the time today.

  • Charmingly Bawdy
  • is up and running. Well...it's up, anyway. Not exactly 'runnin' yet, so don't go deleting Lolly from your blogroll and adding CB...when (and IF) I decide to just run with it, I'll letcha know.

    Frankly, it seems pretty darned...clunky...compared to Blogger. I'm sure it's just because I haven't worked with it much, but there's an awful lotta 'secure' crap that just seems to slow it down. I don't need that. It's not like I'm postin national security secrets or anything, fer gawd's sake.

    But, I'm thinkin I might take CB in a different direction. I'm gonna go back to the way I used to post on Lolly...the 'original' Lolly...not this one. I used to write about whatever hit me at the time and I didn't pull many punches. This Lolly has taken on somewhat of a 'G' rating. While CB won't be risque enough to merit an 'X' rating, it'll definitely be for adult reading, only.

    Honestly, I got tired of all the "Ewwww!" comments when I posted about sex. Screw that. Sex just happens to be part of my life. And let's face it...at 51 years old, it's about damn time, isn't it? I happen to like sex. B I G. D A M N.
    D E A L.
    If ya don't wanna read about it, don't look. Simple, huh?

    Anyway, if anyone happens to see me runnin around, screaming at the top of my lungs with half my hair pulled out you'll know...I'm messin with WordPress again.


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