Storms, shootin irons, salons, squirrels and...uh....
It's been a week of "s's" here at the River Rat Retreat.
Ok, so the storm was last week. It's called poetic license here, with me, k?
On Friday, I went from a blowsy blonde to a bombshell (again with the poetic license) brunette in the blink of an eye. Ok, so it took my stylist a little longer than that. My hair hasn't been this dark in...well...forever. I'm not even sure if it's close to my "real" hair color...haven't seen it in...oh...40 odd years. But she asked me if I wanted to go "drastic" and I said "Go for it, honey!" I love the change. Da Zigster, however, does not. He'll hafta live with it.

On Saturday, Ziggy and I went gun shoppin. We're now the proud owners (or will be as soon as the background check clears) of a Mossberg Model 50420 shotgun. Kinda impressive lookin, ain't it?
We'd originally thought we'd get a handgun of some kind, but after thinkin about it a bit, we decided that since it's basically for personal protection here at home, we'd go with something with a little more...ah...ooomph. We'll save the handgun for when Illinois finally passes some kind of concealed-carry legislation. And, yea...I'll carry it.
While I'm at it, I'll throw in a plug for American Firearms and Ammo Supply in Peoria. Can't say enough nice things about the salesmen there. They were professional, knowledgeable and weren't at all pushy.
I won't, however, be using the Mossberg on Marilyn, our blonde squirrel.
Here's the "sparkly" part. On Sunday, we took the boat up river to Henry and had a late lunch at the marina. The weather was absolutely gorgeous...sunny...80 degrees or so and clear as a bell. The kinda day that makes ya glad to be alive, ya know?
Here's Cap'n Ziggy...captaining. heh I know. No "s". Sue me.
I told my husband I wanted a shotgun, given I can't hit the broadside of a barn. He was cool. He was looking at Mossbergs. Then one day he went on about what a mess it would be if I shot an intruder... all the drywall and tile that would have to be cleaned up as I'd take out everything in a 10 foot range. I finally said, "If we have an intruder, I don't care what kind of mess. I'll HIRE someone to clean it up..." I suspect we'll get one eventually...
I like the haircolor!
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