Wednesday, June 13, 2007

We've been on our honeymoon for six years, now

I think it's about time for a weddin', don't you?

Yea, me too.

Ziggy's not sayin much. 'Course those pain pills that the doc gave him for that black eye, broken jaw and dislocated shoulder that I...uh...accidentally gave him while tryin to...ah...encourage him to make an honest woman of me (cough)...are keepin him preeeeetty damn quiet.

He can still nod, though.

August 4 at 5 p.m. right smack-dab here on the bank of the river gently flowing, Illinois, Illinois.... That's providing the ground doesn't crack wide open and swallow me, plunging me into the very depths of hell, itself.

See, I'm wearin a white dress. And I'll be barefoot.

It's also providing we can find someone to do a civil ceremony for a coupla pagans.
Anybody got any ideas?

Anywho, more info will follow as the saga of Bridezilla and her man unfolds.


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