Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What day is it and where am I?

I went back to bed at about 7 a.m. and got up at 10:45. (See post below)

I think I just crammed three days into two, but I'm not sure. That's how it feels, anyway. As my dear old dad used to say, I feel like I've been drug through a knothole backwards.

After I re-read the aforementioned post below, I started thinkin about Ziggy and how he seems to be...well...fearless. Especially when it comes to things of a more...ah...personal nature. MY 'personal nature' to be exact.

I mean...this guy isn't afraid to do anything I ask of him. Like cutting my hair. How many guys do you know that would do that for their gal? And, do a darned fine job of it, at that. Oh, and this isn't the first time I've asked him to do that. I've had my share of...uh....shall we say 'poorly executed'? haircuts that have required a little...tweaking.

I think most guys would grab their cojones, scream and run the opposite direction if their partner asked them to do something like that. And his expertise with a pair of scissors isn't restricted to his talent for hair cutting.

I frequently get these little 'skin tags' that can be irritating. Especially when they're in an...unusual...place. Like my armpit. Or under my boobs. Most normal people would visit their doc to have them removed. Most of you should realize that I'm not exactly 'normal'. It just seems ridiculous to PAY to have them removed. You're talkin payin for an office visit, a procedure AND a pathologist, because stuff like that is ALWAYS sent to a pathologist, even if the doc KNOWS it's nothing.

But, being the chickenshit I am, I can't just whack 'em off myself. So Ziggy does it for me.

Oh, and I didn't mention all the other little irritating skin...things...that happen to women during the aging process. Age spots and splotches. Moles, warts and
  • actinic keratosis
  • , sometimes called 'senile' keratosis. "Senile". Swell. And before anyone starts screamin after they read the definition, they CAN be pre-malignant, but usually aren't, especially if caught early. Remember, I'm a nurse. I watch out for stuff like that.

    What to do about them? Why freeze 'em off with the handy, dandy 'Compound W Freeze Off Wart Removal System'. Same stuff your doc uses in his office, but charges you hundreds of dollars for. But again, I'm far too chickenshit to do it myself, so Zig comes to my rescue in that area, too.

    And finally...I'm trying to figure out how I can put this delicately. Something happened to me several months ago that had never, in about 40 years, happened to me before. I got something...uh...stuck....somewhere. Somewhere that I simply could NOT reach because of my short, stubby fingers. Once again, my knight in shining armor came to my rescue.

    And that's ALL I'm gonna say about THAT, other than we laughed like a couple a loons.

    Yea, that Ziggy. He's quite a talented, fearless man. He's my lover. He's my confidant. He's my bestest friend. He's my hairstylist. He's my skin care specialist. He can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan.

    He's even my gynecologist.

    A true Renaissance Man.


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