Friday, February 03, 2006

Castration is only the first step

It's the only answer. Castration and a complete penectomy, both without benefit of sedation, and life imprisonment with three hundred guys, all named 'Bubba'. Death is too good...too easy. I want 'em to suffer. For a looooong time.

I'm watching
  • Dateline NBC's
  • special on online predators. They set up a sting operation in Riverside, California in cooperation with
  • Perverted Justice
  • and netted fifty...that's 50...predators in THREE days.

    I'm really not shocked by the predators...we hear about 'em every day. I AM shocked by the sheer numbers, however.

    EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of these...slime...said it was 'the first time'.

    Yea. Right.

    Think about it. Every single one of these fifty guys came to a house, fully prepared...completely ready (right down to the Viagra and condoms) have sex with a 12 or 13 year old child. Think about it.

    Three days.

    One community.

    FIFTY child molestations (or worse) COULD have taken place.

    I don't know anything about Riverside, California. I don't know how big it is. I don't know what the community is like.

    I DO know a little bit about the community I live in, though. In the greater Peoria area, I believe the population is somewhere around 300,000. And I know that child molesters have the highest rate of recidivism of any other crime. In other words, they do it again and again and again...they CAN'T be 'cured'.

    If fifty child predators were caught in the Riverside, California area, how many could be caught in THIS community? How many have molested children and NOT gotten caught? How many?

    The molesters come in every description, every ethnicity, every age bracket, every socio-economic background. Teachers. Actors. Ministers. Physicians. Factory workers. Rabbis. Police officers. Truck drivers.

    It could be anyone.

    How many in YOUR community?


    At 2:57 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

    How true, and the fact that they can't be cured is a case for chemical castration, at the least. But they still could molest children. Bastards. I believe we should bring back public stoning in this one case.

    At 8:32 AM , Blogger Kenny said...

    I believe that this should be a case for Capital Punishment. If you wan t to get worried go and check the sex offenders’ web site and find out how many registered offenders live in your neighborhood. This is an epidemic and it is only getting worse.

    At 11:05 AM , Blogger Arathorn said... may use this link to find out the particulars of any sexual offenders that live in your comunity. Like you I can not think of a suitable punishment for a miscreant that would abuse a child. I would love to think that castration or even surgical removal of the penis would be a deterrent but regretably it is not. These are crimes of violence and hatedred and will not be detered by simply removeing some of the tools.These people will used a substitute to commit their acts of horror. I can only think that once one of these people are identified they should be imprisoned for the rest of time or to give the general public a break this is a good argument for the death sentance.

    At 1:47 PM , Blogger Peggasus said...

    I didn't see the show, but they showed some clips of it on the Today show Friday morning. The bastards seemed unrepenetant for the most part, just sorry they were caught.

    There is a site that was sent to me and that I sent around to all my friends not too long ago for a national sex offender registry where you just plug in a zipcode and names, pictures, home address and maps of the slimebags show up. It truly is scary how many there are.

    And I especially enjoy when they go to prison, where they are the lowest of the low, proving that old saying about honor amongst thieves and murderers.

    At 6:33 PM , Blogger Northwoods Woman said...

    I was 15 when a COP tried to molest me. Yes a POLICE OFFICER!


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