So, I went to a Memorial Day parade
Kinda quiet, though. No marching bands. No flags. No baton twirlers.

I think maybe this guy was the Grand Marshall.

Or maybe he was just lost.
Vewwwy qwiet Memorial weekend here. Ziggy had to work Saturday night, so he slept away most of Saturday and Sunday. This third shift shit is for the birds...I feel so bad for him.
Even the "Summer Campers" were quiet. A lot quieter than I expected...especially for being right across the highway from 'em. I heard on the news that there were only 19 drug busts. I suppose the rainy weather had somethin to do with there only being 19.
But, gawd bless 'em...what were those 19 thinkin? I mean, they hadda know there'd be undercover cops, right? C''s a rock concert. And there were about 10,000 kids there. I'm afraid the days of Woodstock are over, kiddies. Get a clue. Hell, anywhere there are 10,000 people...especially young people...jammed into one place, there's gonna be cops all over. Duh?
I ran to the grocery store yesterday and it wasn't bad, at all. Lotsa younguns, dressed really funky, buyin lotsa booze. In fact, most of the girls were dressed pretty much like I dressed...back in the 60's...when there were still dinosaurs.
Didn't see a hairy armpit in the bunch, though.
And, no. I wasn't that much of a hippie.
One of my favorite activities here at the beach house on the moon has become 'beachcombing'. I've started collecting some really pretty little white shells...almost like miniature conch shells. All swirly. I've got Ziggy hooked on the beachcombin thing, too, so now, every time he goes for a walk along the beach, he's always on the lookout for those little shells for me or other interesting schtuff. This morning, he came back with this...
It's just a bit over three inches long and kind of a bluish/gray color.
Now, I've lived around the river for a lotta years. I've seen all kinds of crawdaddies. But I've never seen one with a claw this big. So I did a little Googlin and came up with
So, anyone got any ideas on what this might be?
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