Oh, yea...
...looks like my idea of an exciting weekend. How 'bout you?

Gonna start packin this weekend. We're still not positive of our move date, but it's gonna be sooner than we thought. (YAY!) I called the mover's the other day and got it all set up except for finalizing the date. We used this particular moving company when we moved here from the rat-hole apartment and we were very happy with their service and price so, of course, they got our repeat business.
For some reason, I'm really draggin my feet about packing. Normally if I know I have a move coming up, I jump right on it. Maybe it's because we don't have a definite date yet. I work better under pressure. heh Anywho, we're definitely starting this weekend. If nothing else, I'd like to get all the closets knocked out and all the stuff that we wanna keep but don't use frequently. That's what I'm hoping for, anyway.
Now, I need to find my whip so I can keep Zig on point. heh
We're both really looking forward to this move, but I've gotta admit...I'll miss it here a little, though it's just not the same. In the last three months or so, we've lost two of our beloved little old lady neighbors. One was 86 and one was damn near 98. (Noooo...we don't live in a nursing home) Both of 'em were still pretty active and definitely sharp.
We still have a couple that are in their 70's and 80's, but two of the apartments closest to us are empty...and I'm really not lookin forward to seeing who'll be movin in. This particular complex is slowly becoming "Baghdad West" and I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm not crazy about that fact. It's not because I'm afraid of 'em, and I don't think I'm stereotyping...but it's because they just aren't...well...neighborly. Not a bit. None of 'em stop and chat. 'Course, I suppose that's kinda hard to do if you don't speak the language, huh?
Though there's a lot I like about living right in a bigger city...the anonyminity...the handiness of everything...the choices...it will be nice to live in a small town again. I guess ya can take the girl out of the small town but ya can't take the small town outa the girl.
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